Specially created for individuals with illnesses and physical disabilities, Specialist Disability Accommodation Brisbane (or SDA) is a housing solution administered by the NDIS. It provides them with various unique, specialised, and customised requirements to accommodate their disability and medical problems.
Our NDIS Specialised Disability Accommodation in Brisbane, include a range of housing options that are designed specifically for our participants with extreme functional impairments or high support needs. The aim of our SDA is to make accessing support easier. SDA is a housing option designed for people with high support needs or functional impairments. All our SDA homes are tailored to meet the specific needs of our participants.
Our SDA is built with disability access, assistive technology, hoists and specialised home modifications – offering a safe and comfortable space to live while receiving personalised support from our experienced and caring staff. Our SDA’s are designed and operate according to the NDIS design standards and operational guidelines covering the four main NDIS requirements:
- Improved liveability
- Robust construction
- Fully Accessible
- High Physical Support